I don’t get out much
anymore. I have little patience for clown world and its inhabitants.
However, I’m a generally outgoing guy — or used to be — and can find
myself feeling pretty lonely at times. As such, I accepted an invitation
to hang out with a group of men I’ve known for quite a few years. This
was to be a simple night of a few drinks while we watched a football
game. These are ostensibly good men that love their families and have
tried to do what they think is right for as long as I have known them. I
have coached with a couple of them and some of their kids have been
friends and/or teammates of my kids since before middle school. They’re
“good people” and I genuinely like them, but aside from the occasional
get together like last night, we’re not really friends.
Why? Because they’re normies. They don’t realize they are and they may not even know the word, but they do know we’re different. They know that my views don’t align with the narrative they live and that my expressing those views once caused a pretty good stink in the local area. One of the wives (who is very nice to me now) once tried to guilt-shame me into silence for my outspoken views on the COVID psyop.
Yes we’re different, but we’re a lot more different now than we used to be. This hit home last night. I noticed a few things.
The pregame chatter started with the vax and this new covid/flu double whammy. It was generally praised with one person even saying something positive about Pfizer specifically. It wasn’t strong praise and some of it felt forced, but it was praise none the less and I could feel my hackles raising up. How are these people still so retarded? And some of them were making such good progress towards waking up too.
Some of what a few celebrities have recently said against the narrative came up. One example was Aaron Rodgers. His views on the vax and covid were the starter, but his Epstein list comments were too far. He was labeled a heretic and all but condemned to the stake.
I won’t get into the details, but drug use, gambling, and the like were discussed and encourage to some degree. The legalizing of these and other activities was called for as an overall good for society. I’ve never heard anything like this from these people. I don’t think any of them are practicing Christians, but they always had that inherent Christian morality that used to be common place in this class of people. No more. They’ve changed and in a surprisingly short time.
Somewhere in the third quarter, I decided it was time to leave. It wasn’t until halfway home that I realized what I had just witnessed. This was the end stages of the complete conversion of these people into the FTS-2 of Uncle John’s Band’s Functionally Two Species Model — The Narrative Huffers. They’ve been assimilated. Some perhaps from just being tired. The narrow path is hard (especially if you don’t ask for His help). Others it was clearly an IQ issue, perhaps degraded further by the vax.
I don’t get out much anymore. I’ll think I’ll keep it that way… at least for a while longer.
Just ran across this. “Demonized white people.”
On June 14th, I had a
regularly scheduled one-to-one with my boss. I clicked on the Teams link
to enter the meeting and was greeted not by the sole visage of my boss,
but by my boss and what was clearly HR Lady. I immediately
blurted out, “Huh. I’m being laid off.” This fazed neither of them. It
was as if I had said nothing. The remainder of what was a very short
meeting was effectively Clown World NPC mode. They read their respective
scripts, I listened, and then they virtually showed me the door.
I’ve never been laid off before (I don’t count the time cancel culture came for my head). I’ve survived multiple rounds of layoffs over the years because, even in this mockery of a meritocracy, I’ve always been one of those guys that you just don’t lay off. It seems the expansion of Clown World into all facets of life had finally caught up with me.
After taking a few weeks off to deal with a busy personal life and to contemplate my future, I started working on things — fun things, annoying things, things that just needed to be done. I might write about some of that. But I also started looking for a job. It’s been a few weeks now. I’ve applied for well over a dozen jobs and have reached out to many friends and contacts, but I’ve not yet received a single hit of interest from any quarter. Not a phone call. Not an email. Nothing.
I know that finding a new job can take a while — especially one similar to the mid-level exec roles I’ve been in over the past 15+ years (director/VP) — but something feels very odd about this experience so far. Perhaps it’s the fake economy acting retarded. Perhaps it’s just a lull. Or perhaps it’s something else I can’t yet define. Whatever it is, I’ve decided to blog about it.
So… I plan to write about my experience as an unemployed, Christian, white, male, heritage American trying to find a new job in Clown World 2023. I don’t know how often I’ll write about this, but I will write as my experiences warrant it. I have a feeling this is going to be bumpy ride.
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